Source code for pypfopt.plotting

The ``plotting`` module houses all the functions to generate various plots.

Currently implemented:

  - ``plot_covariance`` - plot a correlation matrix
  - ``plot_dendrogram`` - plot the hierarchical clusters in a portfolio
  - ``plot_efficient_frontier`` – plot the efficient frontier from an EfficientFrontier or CLA object
  - ``plot_weights`` - bar chart of weights
import copy
import numpy as np
from . import risk_models, exceptions
from . import EfficientFrontier, CLA
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
import warnings

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"seaborn-deep")
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError("Please install matplotlib via pip or poetry")

[docs]def _plot_io(**kwargs): """ Helper method to optionally save the figure to file. :param filename: name of the file to save to, defaults to None (doesn't save) :type filename: str, optional :param dpi: dpi of figure to save or plot, defaults to 300 :type dpi: int (between 50-500) :param showfig: whether to the figure, defaults to False :type showfig: bool, optional """ filename = kwargs.get("filename", None) showfig = kwargs.get("showfig", False) dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 300) plt.tight_layout() if filename: plt.savefig(fname=filename, dpi=dpi) if showfig: # pragma: no cover
[docs]def plot_covariance(cov_matrix, plot_correlation=False, show_tickers=True, **kwargs): """ Generate a basic plot of the covariance (or correlation) matrix, given a covariance matrix. :param cov_matrix: covariance matrix :type cov_matrix: pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray :param plot_correlation: whether to plot the correlation matrix instead, defaults to False. :type plot_correlation: bool, optional :param show_tickers: whether to use tickers as labels (not recommended for large portfolios), defaults to True :type show_tickers: bool, optional :return: matplotlib axis :rtype: matplotlib.axes object """ if plot_correlation: matrix = risk_models.cov_to_corr(cov_matrix) else: matrix = cov_matrix fig, ax = plt.subplots() cax = ax.imshow(matrix) fig.colorbar(cax) if show_tickers: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, matrix.shape[0], 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(matrix.index) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, matrix.shape[0], 1)) ax.set_yticklabels(matrix.index) plt.xticks(rotation=90) _plot_io(**kwargs) return ax
[docs]def plot_dendrogram(hrp, ax=None, show_tickers=True, **kwargs): """ Plot the clusters in the form of a dendrogram. :param hrp: HRPpt object that has already been optimized. :type hrp: object :param show_tickers: whether to use tickers as labels (not recommended for large portfolios), defaults to True :type show_tickers: bool, optional :param filename: name of the file to save to, defaults to None (doesn't save) :type filename: str, optional :param showfig: whether to the figure, defaults to False :type showfig: bool, optional :return: matplotlib axis :rtype: matplotlib.axes object """ ax = ax or plt.gca() if hrp.clusters is None: warnings.warn( "hrp param has not been optimized. Attempting optimization.", RuntimeWarning, ) hrp.optimize() if show_tickers: sch.dendrogram(hrp.clusters, labels=hrp.tickers, ax=ax, orientation="top") ax.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=90) plt.tight_layout() else: sch.dendrogram(hrp.clusters, no_labels=True, ax=ax) _plot_io(**kwargs) return ax
def _plot_cla(cla, points, ax, show_assets): """ Helper function to plot the efficient frontier from a CLA object """ if cla.weights is None: cla.max_sharpe() optimal_ret, optimal_risk, _ = cla.portfolio_performance() if cla.frontier_values is None: cla.efficient_frontier(points=points) mus, sigmas, _ = cla.frontier_values ax.plot(sigmas, mus, label="Efficient frontier") ax.scatter(optimal_risk, optimal_ret, marker="x", s=100, color="r", label="optimal") if show_assets: ax.scatter( np.sqrt(np.diag(cla.cov_matrix)), cla.expected_returns, s=30, color="k", label="assets", ) return ax def _ef_default_returns_range(ef, points): """ Helper function to generate a range of returns from the GMV returns to the maximum (constrained) returns """ ef_minvol = copy.deepcopy(ef) ef_maxret = copy.deepcopy(ef) ef_minvol.min_volatility() min_ret = ef_minvol.portfolio_performance()[0] max_ret = ef_maxret._max_return() return np.linspace(min_ret, max_ret - 0.0001, points) def _plot_ef(ef, ef_param, ef_param_range, ax, show_assets): """ Helper function to plot the efficient frontier from an EfficientFrontier object """ mus, sigmas = [], [] # Create a portfolio for each value of ef_param_range for param_value in ef_param_range: ef_i = copy.deepcopy(ef) try: if ef_param == "utility": ef_i.max_quadratic_utility(param_value) elif ef_param == "risk": ef_i.efficient_risk(param_value) elif ef_param == "return": ef_i.efficient_return(param_value) else: raise NotImplementedError( "ef_param should be one of {'utility', 'risk', 'return'}" ) except exceptions.OptimizationError: continue ret, sigma, _ = ef_i.portfolio_performance() mus.append(ret) sigmas.append(sigma) ax.plot(sigmas, mus, label="Efficient frontier") if show_assets: ax.scatter( np.sqrt(np.diag(ef.cov_matrix)), ef.expected_returns, s=30, color="k", label="assets", ) return ax
[docs]def plot_efficient_frontier( opt, ef_param="return", ef_param_range=None, points=100, ax=None, show_assets=True, **kwargs ): """ Plot the efficient frontier based on either a CLA or EfficientFrontier object. :param opt: an instantiated optimizer object BEFORE optimising an objective :type opt: EfficientFrontier or CLA :param ef_param: [EfficientFrontier] whether to use a range over utility, risk, or return. Defaults to "return". :type ef_param: str, one of {"utility", "risk", "return"}. :param ef_param_range: the range of parameter values for ef_param. If None, automatically compute a range from min->max return. :type ef_param_range: np.array or list (recommended to use np.arange or np.linspace) :param points: number of points to plot, defaults to 100. This is overridden if an `ef_param_range` is provided explicitly. :type points: int, optional :param show_assets: whether we should plot the asset risks/returns also, defaults to True :type show_assets: bool, optional :param filename: name of the file to save to, defaults to None (doesn't save) :type filename: str, optional :param showfig: whether to the figure, defaults to False :type showfig: bool, optional :return: matplotlib axis :rtype: matplotlib.axes object """ ax = ax or plt.gca() if isinstance(opt, CLA): ax = _plot_cla(opt, points, ax=ax, show_assets=show_assets) elif isinstance(opt, EfficientFrontier): if ef_param_range is None: ef_param_range = _ef_default_returns_range(opt, points) ax = _plot_ef(opt, ef_param, ef_param_range, ax=ax, show_assets=show_assets) else: raise NotImplementedError("Please pass EfficientFrontier or CLA object") ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("Volatility") ax.set_ylabel("Return") _plot_io(**kwargs) return ax
[docs]def plot_weights(weights, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the portfolio weights as a horizontal bar chart :param weights: the weights outputted by any PyPortfolioOpt optimizer :type weights: {ticker: weight} dict :param ax: ax to plot to, optional :type ax: matplotlib.axes :return: matplotlib axis :rtype: matplotlib.axes """ ax = ax or plt.gca() desc = sorted(weights.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) labels = [i[0] for i in desc] vals = [i[1] for i in desc] y_pos = np.arange(len(labels)) ax.barh(y_pos, vals) ax.set_xlabel("Weight") ax.set_yticks(y_pos) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) ax.invert_yaxis() _plot_io(**kwargs) return ax