Source code for pypfopt.expected_returns

The ``expected_returns`` module provides functions for estimating the expected returns of
the assets, which is a required input in mean-variance optimization.

By convention, the output of these methods is expected *annual* returns. It is assumed that
*daily* prices are provided, though in reality the functions are agnostic
to the time period (just change the ``frequency`` parameter). Asset prices must be given as
a pandas dataframe, as per the format described in the :ref:`user-guide`.

All of the functions process the price data into percentage returns data, before
calculating their respective estimates of expected returns.

Currently implemented:

    - general return model function, allowing you to run any return model from one function.
    - mean historical return
    - exponentially weighted mean historical return
    - CAPM estimate of returns

Additionally, we provide utility functions to convert from returns to prices and vice-versa.

import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]def returns_from_prices(prices, log_returns=False): """ Calculate the returns given prices. :param prices: adjusted (daily) closing prices of the asset, each row is a date and each column is a ticker/id. :type prices: pd.DataFrame :param log_returns: whether to compute using log returns :type log_returns: bool, defaults to False :return: (daily) returns :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if log_returns: return np.log(1 + prices.pct_change()).dropna(how="all") else: return prices.pct_change().dropna(how="all")
[docs]def prices_from_returns(returns, log_returns=False): """ Calculate the pseudo-prices given returns. These are not true prices because the initial prices are all set to 1, but it behaves as intended when passed to any PyPortfolioOpt method. :param returns: (daily) percentage returns of the assets :type returns: pd.DataFrame :param log_returns: whether to compute using log returns :type log_returns: bool, defaults to False :return: (daily) pseudo-prices. :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if log_returns: ret = np.exp(returns) else: ret = 1 + returns ret.iloc[0] = 1 # set first day pseudo-price return ret.cumprod()
def return_model(prices, method="mean_historical_return", **kwargs): """ Compute an estimate of future returns, using the return model specified in ``method``. :param prices: adjusted closing prices of the asset, each row is a date and each column is a ticker/id. :type prices: pd.DataFrame :param returns_data: if true, the first argument is returns instead of prices. :type returns_data: bool, defaults to False. :param method: the return model to use. Should be one of: - ``mean_historical_return`` - ``ema_historical_return`` - ``capm_return`` :type method: str, optional :raises NotImplementedError: if the supplied method is not recognised :return: annualised sample covariance matrix :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if method == "mean_historical_return": return mean_historical_return(prices, **kwargs) elif method == "ema_historical_return": return ema_historical_return(prices, **kwargs) elif method == "capm_return": return capm_return(prices, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError("Return model {} not implemented".format(method))
[docs]def mean_historical_return(prices, returns_data=False, compounding=True, frequency=252): """ Calculate annualised mean (daily) historical return from input (daily) asset prices. Use ``compounding`` to toggle between the default geometric mean (CAGR) and the arithmetic mean. :param prices: adjusted closing prices of the asset, each row is a date and each column is a ticker/id. :type prices: pd.DataFrame :param returns_data: if true, the first argument is returns instead of prices. These **should not** be log returns. :type returns_data: bool, defaults to False. :param compounding: computes geometric mean returns if True, arithmetic otherwise, optional. :type compounding: bool, defaults to True :param frequency: number of time periods in a year, defaults to 252 (the number of trading days in a year) :type frequency: int, optional :return: annualised mean (daily) return for each asset :rtype: pd.Series """ if not isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame): warnings.warn("prices are not in a dataframe", RuntimeWarning) prices = pd.DataFrame(prices) if returns_data: returns = prices else: returns = returns_from_prices(prices) if compounding: return (1 + returns).prod() ** (frequency / returns.count()) - 1 else: return returns.mean() * frequency
[docs]def ema_historical_return( prices, returns_data=False, compounding=True, span=500, frequency=252 ): """ Calculate the exponentially-weighted mean of (daily) historical returns, giving higher weight to more recent data. :param prices: adjusted closing prices of the asset, each row is a date and each column is a ticker/id. :type prices: pd.DataFrame :param returns_data: if true, the first argument is returns instead of prices. These **should not** be log returns. :type returns_data: bool, defaults to False. :param compounding: computes geometric mean returns if True, arithmetic otherwise, optional. :type compounding: bool, defaults to True :param frequency: number of time periods in a year, defaults to 252 (the number of trading days in a year) :type frequency: int, optional :param span: the time-span for the EMA, defaults to 500-day EMA. :type span: int, optional :return: annualised exponentially-weighted mean (daily) return of each asset :rtype: pd.Series """ if not isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame): warnings.warn("prices are not in a dataframe", RuntimeWarning) prices = pd.DataFrame(prices) if returns_data: returns = prices else: returns = returns_from_prices(prices) if compounding: return (1 + returns.ewm(span=span).mean().iloc[-1]) ** frequency - 1 else: return returns.ewm(span=span).mean().iloc[-1] * frequency
def james_stein_shrinkage(prices, returns_data=False, compounding=True, frequency=252): raise NotImplementedError( "Deprecated because its implementation here was misguided." )
[docs]def capm_return( prices, market_prices=None, returns_data=False, risk_free_rate=0.02, compounding=True, frequency=252, ): """ Compute a return estimate using the Capital Asset Pricing Model. Under the CAPM, asset returns are equal to market returns plus a :math:`\beta` term encoding the relative risk of the asset. .. math:: R_i = R_f + \\beta_i (E(R_m) - R_f) :param prices: adjusted closing prices of the asset, each row is a date and each column is a ticker/id. :type prices: pd.DataFrame :param market_prices: adjusted closing prices of the benchmark, defaults to None :type market_prices: pd.DataFrame, optional :param returns_data: if true, the first arguments are returns instead of prices. :type returns_data: bool, defaults to False. :param risk_free_rate: risk-free rate of borrowing/lending, defaults to 0.02. You should use the appropriate time period, corresponding to the frequency parameter. :type risk_free_rate: float, optional :param compounding: computes geometric mean returns if True, arithmetic otherwise, optional. :type compounding: bool, defaults to True :param frequency: number of time periods in a year, defaults to 252 (the number of trading days in a year) :type frequency: int, optional :return: annualised return estimate :rtype: pd.Series """ if not isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame): warnings.warn("prices are not in a dataframe", RuntimeWarning) prices = pd.DataFrame(prices) if returns_data: returns = prices market_returns = market_prices else: returns = returns_from_prices(prices) if market_prices is not None: market_returns = returns_from_prices(market_prices) else: market_returns = None # Use the equally-weighted dataset as a proxy for the market if market_returns is None: # Append market return to right and compute sample covariance matrix returns["mkt"] = returns.mean(axis=1) else: market_returns.columns = ["mkt"] returns = returns.join(market_returns, how="left") # Compute covariance matrix for the new dataframe (including markets) cov = returns.cov() # The far-right column of the cov matrix is covariances to market betas = cov["mkt"] / cov.loc["mkt", "mkt"] betas = betas.drop("mkt") # Find mean market return on a given time period if compounding: mkt_mean_ret = (1 + returns["mkt"]).prod() ** ( frequency / returns["mkt"].count() ) - 1 else: mkt_mean_ret = returns["mkt"].mean() * frequency # CAPM formula return risk_free_rate + betas * (mkt_mean_ret - risk_free_rate)